Hope for the Home - About Us

Jerry and Becky Drace
I have asked fellow servants like yourself both nationally and internationally what is today's greatest challenge
in the pastorate. Their responses were unanimous, "Ministering to the needs of the various family structures in their
churches." Intact families. Single parent families. Separated families. Youth. College/Career. Parents of teens.
Senior citizens. Widows/Widowers. All these groups come under the umbrella called - FAMILY.
In 1993, the Jerry Drace Evangelistic Association introduced a new segment of our ministry -
HOPE for the HOME.
It is designed to help the pastor in his ongoing challenge of ministering to the most important unit in society -
From my BS in pre-Med at Union University, to my MDiv, in New Testament-Pastoral Care
at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, to my DMin, in Evangelism and Spiritual Development
at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, I have maintained an intense interest in reaching the families in our
revivals and crusades. Dr. James Dobson, President Emeritus of Focus on the Family, encouraged me to continue this unique ministry
to the church along with scores of pastors with whom we have worked.
Becky has her MSW from Union University. Her insights and teachings
are a vital part of this special weekend conference called
for the HOME.
We have conducted approximately 300
HOPE for the HOME CONFERENCES throughout
the United States and Great Britain. Follow up evaluations from pastors report of marriages being restored, parents and their teens communicating,
divorced individuals finding the strength to forgive and the power to heal, teenagers bringing their friends to Jesus, singles discovering
God's plan for their lives, and senior saints recommitting themselves to serve God in various ministries.
"I have observed Jerry in eight totally different settings this weekend and he truly connected with every family
component in our church. From the senior citizen to the teenager, he had everyone listening, laughing and sometimes crying.
His sensitive, caring approach comes across in the personalized sessions as well as the pulpit."
Mark Bordeaux, pastor, Westside Baptist Church, Sumter, SC