From the Heart of a Father -Publishings

From the Heart of a Father: Godly Counsel from Proverbs

"Looking to Scripture and the teachings of Solomon, this guide for fathers will show men how to help their children remain pure, choose their friends, gain wisdom, and avoid immorality and temptation.  Dr. Drace draws upon his years of experience to explain the aspects of fatherhood that extend beyond providing for the family's physical well being.  Dr. David Dockery, President of Union University, Jackson, Tennessee, says, "Jerry Drace has provided insightful guidance to fathers.  He has reminded his readers that children are gifts from God (Ps. 127:4-5).  From the Heart of a Father helps us see that as fathers we are not to force our children into a preconceived mold.  Jerry has written a commendable volume that will give guidance to fathers, helping them with formal and informal times of instruction.  He calls for fathers to provide children with a sound basis for making decisions."


Special Introductory Offer - $10.00 (plus $3.00 shipping)

Regular retail price - $13.99.

Make your check payable to: Jerry Drace Evangelistic Assoc. Inc. (JDEA, Inc.)


Mail check with amount ordered to:

Jerry Drace Evangelistic Assoc.

236 Sanders Bluff Rd., Humboldt, TN  38343


 “When you touch your family, you touch the heart of God”

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